
Cartographer Calibration for Classic Mode

Home the machine in X and Y:

G28 X Y

Position the nozzle in the center of the bed. You will need to adjust the coordinates for your machine.

G0 X125 Y125

At this point, you might note that your Endstop Z is TRIGGERED, this is normal, and will be resolved once you run the next command.

Start the calibration process:

If you regularly print with a hot chamber (60oC+) it is worth calibrating with a hot chamber.


You can either use the web interface to adjust the nozzle height from the bed, or TESTZ Z=-0.01 to lower it. Use a piece of paper or a feeler gauge to measure the offset. Once finished remove the paper/gauge and accept the position.


Save the results to your config file.


Initial Tests

Home your printer.


You can test the accuracy.


You can also measure the backlash of your Z axis


To make use of the backlash estimation that is given. You will get results spit out starting with

Median distance moving up

In this line will be a measurement called "delta" Take note of the value. Locate the configuration section marked:

backlash_comp: 2.01

Update this section with your new estimated backlash compensation. It is a good idea to do this compensation test at all 4x corners of your build plate and then again at middle of build plate. If you are on a printer with belted Z and the values in each corner deviate heavily. This would indicate a loose belt on that corner.

If youa re using a printer which supports either Z_TILT or QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL you will need to ensure that your probe is positioned above the bed when performing this, open up your printer.cfg and find the appropriate section, for example your QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL section may look like this:

#  Probe points
   50,25   # Point 1
   50,275  # Point 2
   300,275 # Point 3
   300,25  # Point 4

speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 10
retries: 5
retry_tolerance: 0.0075
max_adjust: 10

You should in your console navigate to each point to ensure that your probe is not hanging off the edge, you can do this using a G0 command such as G0 X50 Y25 for point 1, or G0 X50 Y275 for point 2.

If at all points, Cartographer is safely over the bed, you should be good to go for running a QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL or Z_TILT .

You can now run a Bed Mesh Calibration (I would advise doing either a Z_TILT or QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL before.


Setting Z Offset

Before modifying your Z Offset, make sure that you have set your Z position to 0, to do this you can run the following command.

G1 Z0 F1500

Once you have done all of the above, it is worth re-calibrating the Z-Offset. This can be done in Mainsail or Fluidd using the graphical interface. OR you can use G-Code in the window to console to do so


Once the offset has been perfectly calibrated apply that offset using the following command


And now save your config.

If you are regularly changing your bed, please look at creating different models for your different beds, more information can be found here

Last updated