Klipper Setup

Klipper Setup for Touch Mode

Installation of the Cartographer Klipper Module

Clone the Klipper module from GitHub using the following commands, you then need to run our installation script.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Cartographer3D/cartographer-klipper.git

This step will automatically create a link to the script and place it in the klipper/klippy/extra directory.

If you are in Mainland China, use the following commands instead:

cd ~
git clone https://gitee.com/NBTP/cartographer-klipper.git

Remember to update cartographer via the mainsail/fluidd UI

Legacy Klipper environements running on Python2 will need updating to Python 3.9 or later. The easiest way to do that is a complete fresh install, though we do have a guide that can help that is linked here

Managing Updates via Moonraker

In order to keep up to date with our latest Klipper software, please add the following config to the bottom of your moonraker.conf file.

[update_manager cartographer]
type: git_repo
path: ~/cartographer-klipper
channel: stable
origin: https://github.com/Cartographer3D/cartographer-klipper.git
is_system_service: False
managed_services: klipper
  desc=Cartographer Probe

Are you from Mainland China? Use this alternate moonraker.conf instead.

[update_manager cartographer]
type: git_repo
path: ~/cartographer-klipper
channel: stable
origin: https://gitee.com/NBTP/cartographer-klipper.git
is_system_service: False
managed_services: klipper
  desc=Cartographer Probe (Gitee)

upon completion, press SAVE & RESTART and it should now display in the update section of either Mainsail or Fluidd.

If you get "Repo is dirty. Detected the following modified files: ['install.sh']", a soft Recovery should fix it.

Finding the Serial or UUID

Note, you need to replace the serial path or UUID with your probes serial path or UUID, this can be found by running the following commands

For USB based probes

ls /dev/serial/by-id/

For CAN based probes

~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/canbus_query.py can0

Take note of either the Serial ID or the UUID.

Last updated