Print Start Macro
This is ONLY required if using Touch Based cartographer. Do not use this if you're using SCAN mode
command to your print start macro ensures that the printer performs a precise touch probe AFTER executing the BED_MESH_CALIBRATE
should also be performed with a nozzle no hotter than 150c. With this in mind, the command will fail if the nozzle is beyond this temperature. It CAN be performed cold. Please make allowances for this in your print start. This sequence helps to achieve an accurate bed leveling by accounting for any variations or offsets after the mesh calibration.
It is not recommended to use a custom BED_MESH_CALIBRATE or ADAPTIVE MESH macro/plugin
G28 ; Home all axes
M140 S{BED_TEMP} ; Set bed temperature
M109 S150 ; Wait for extuder to reach 150Β°C (intermediate step)
M190 S{BED_TEMP} ; Set final bed temperature
G28 Z ; Home Z axis again to account for thermal expansion
M112 #Remove this line ; Its your own fault if you dont..
QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL / Z_TILT_ADJUST ; Perform quad gantry leveling or Z tilt adjustmen
G28 Z ; Home Z axis again to account for thermal expansion
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ; Calibrate the bed mesh
CARTOGRAPHER_TOUCH ; Perform touch probe
M109 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ; Wait for extruder to reach target temperature
Need a Print Start macro?
The following is a modified version of Jontek2's Better Print Start Macro which incorporates Cartographer_Touch commands for use with Voron printers and can be adapted for others.
# A better print_start macro for v2/trident
## Bed mesh (2 lines at 2 locations)
## Nevermore (if you have one)
## Z_TILT_ADJUST (For Trident only)
## QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL (For V2.4 only)
[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
# This part fetches data from your slicer. Such as bed, extruder, and chamber temps and size of your printer.
{% set target_bed = params.BED|int %}
{% set target_extruder = params.EXTRUDER|int %}
{% set target_chamber = params.CHAMBER|default("45")|int %}
{% set x_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float / 2 %}
{% set y_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float / 2 %}
SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0 # Set offset to 0
# Home the printer, set absolute positioning and update the Stealthburner LEDs.
STATUS_HOMING # Set LEDs to homing-mode
G28 # Full home (XYZ)
G90 # Absolute position
## Uncomment for bed mesh (1 of 2 for bed mesh)
#BED_MESH_CLEAR # Clear old saved bed mesh (if any)
# Check if the bed temp is higher than 90c - if so then trigger a heatsoak.
{% if params.BED|int > 90 %}
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Bed: {target_bed}c" # Display info on display
STATUS_HEATING # Set LEDs to heating-mode
M106 S255 # Turn on the PT-fan
## Uncomment if you have a Nevermore.
#SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=1 # Turn on the nevermore
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to center of the bed
M190 S{target_bed} # Set the target temp for the bed
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Heatsoak: {target_chamber}c" # Display info on display
TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="temperature_sensor chamber" MINIMUM={target_chamber} # Waits for chamber temp
# If the bed temp is not over 90c, then skip the heatsoak and just heat up to set temp with a 5 min soak
{% else %}
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Bed: {target_bed}c" # Display info on display
STATUS_HEATING # Set LEDs to heating-mode
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to center of the bed
M190 S{target_bed} # Set the target temp for the bed
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Soak for 5 min" # Display info on display
G4 P300000 # Wait 5 min for the bedtemp to stabilize
{% endif %}
# Heat hotend to 150c. This helps with getting a correct Z-home.
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Hotend: 150c" # Display info on display
M109 S150 # Heat hotend to 150c
## Uncomment for Trident (Z_TILT_ADJUST)
#SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Leveling" # Display info on display
#STATUS_LEVELING # Set LEDs to leveling-mode
#Z_TILT_ADJUST # Level the printer via Z_TILT_ADJUST
#G28 Z # Home Z again after Z_TILT_ADJUST
## Uncomment for V2.4 (Quad gantry level AKA QGL)
#SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Leveling" # Display info on display
#STATUS_LEVELING # Set LEDs to leveling-mode
#QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL # Level the printer via QGL
#G28 Z # Home Z again after QGL
## Uncomment for bed mesh (2 of 2 for bed mesh)
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Bed mesh" # Display info on display
STATUS_MESHING # Set LEDs to bed mesh-mode
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE # Start the bed mesh (add ADAPTIVE=1) for adaptive bed mesh
CARTOGRAPHER_TOUCH # Calibrate z offset only with hot nozzle
# Heat up the hotend up to target via data from slicer
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Hotend: {target_extruder}c" # Display info on display
STATUS_HEATING # Set LEDs to heating-mode
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to center of the bed
M107 # Turn off partcooling fan
M109 S{target_extruder} # Heat the hotend to set temp
# Get ready to print by doing a primeline and updating the LEDs
SET_DISPLAY_TEXT MSG="Printer goes brr" # Display info on display
STATUS_PRINTING # Set LEDs to printing-mode
G0 X{x_wait - 50} Y4 F10000 # Go to starting point
G0 Z0.4 # Raise Z to 0.4
G91 # Incremental positioning
G1 X100 E20 F1000 # Primeline
G90 # Absolute position
Last updated