Klipper Configuration

Klipper Configuration for Classic Mode

Config File (Firmwares 4.0.1 or earlier)

if you are using an existing printer config, make sure you remove any previous reference to [cartographer] or [probe] in the saved section at the bottom. Use CTL + F (Mac OS use Command (⌘) + F) to search to find either [cartographer] or [probe] and delete these sections.

#   Path to the serial port for the Cartographer device. Typically has the form
#   /dev/serial/by-id/usb-cartographer_cartographer_...
#   If you are using the CAN Bus version, replace serial: with canbus_uuid: and add the UUID.
#   Example: canbus_uuid: 1283as878a9sd
speed: 40.
#   Z probing dive speed.
lift_speed: 5.0
#   Z probing lift speed.
backlash_comp: 0.5
#   Backlash compensation distance for removing Z backlash before measuring
#   the sensor response.
#   Offsets are measured from the centre of your coil, to the tip of your nozzle 
#   on a level axis. It is vital that this is accurate. 
x_offset: 0.0
#   X offset of cartographer from the nozzle.
y_offset: 21.1
#   Y offset of cartographer from the nozzle.
trigger_distance: 2.0
#   cartographer trigger distance for homing.
trigger_dive_threshold: 1.5
#   Threshold for range vs dive mode probing. Beyond `trigger_distance +
#   trigger_dive_threshold` a dive will be used.
trigger_hysteresis: 0.006
#   Hysteresis on trigger threshold for untriggering, as a percentage of the
#   trigger threshold.
cal_nozzle_z: 0.1
#   Expected nozzle offset after completing manual Z offset calibration.
cal_floor: 0.1
#   Minimum z bound on sensor response measurement.
cal_ceil: 5.0
#   Maximum z bound on sensor response measurement.
cal_speed: 1.0
#   Speed while measuring response curve.
cal_move_speed: 10.0
#   Speed while moving to position for response curve measurement.
default_model_name: default
#   Name of default cartographer model to load.
mesh_main_direction: x
#   Primary travel direction during mesh measurement.
#mesh_overscan: -1
#   Distance to use for direction changes at mesh line ends. Omit this setting
#   and a default will be calculated from line spacing and available travel.
mesh_cluster_size: 1
#   Radius of mesh grid point clusters.
mesh_runs: 2
#   Number of passes to make during mesh scan.

zero_reference_position: 125, 125    
#    set this to the middle of your bed
speed: 200
#    movement speed of toolhead during bed mesh
horizontal_move_z: 5
#    height of scanner during bed mesh scan
mesh_min: 35, 6
#    start point of bed mesh [X, Y]
mesh_max: 240, 198
#    end point of bed mesh [X, Y]
probe_count: 30, 30
algorithm: bicubic

NOTE - The [cartographer] section needs to be above any other reference to either cartographer or probe within your Klipper config, for this reason I advise adding it near the top of your config file.

If you want to use the probe for Input Shaper, please add the following to your config.

cs_pin: cartographer:PA3
spi_bus: spi1

accel_chip: adxl345
    125, 125, 20

You then need to remove, or comment out your [probe] section.

Now add a safe_z_home section with the following inforamation.

home_xy_position: [your x-axis center coordinate], [your y-axis center coordinate]
# Example home_xy_position: 175,175 - This would be for a 350 * 350mm bed. 
z_hop: 10

You will also need to update your Z configuration settings, this will involve removing or commenting out your position_endstop: configuration. Homing_retract_dist must also be set to 0

Don't get confused, "endstop_pin" should contain probe and NOT cartographer.

endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # uses cartographer as virtual endstop
homing_retract_dist: 0 # cartographer needs this to be set to 0

If you are running Klipper Screen, add this Macro to your G-Code, this stops klipper screen doing a random bedmesh when you press Z Calibrate on it.

[gcode_macro PROBE_CALIBRATE]

You will now need to ensure that you update your Z-Tilt or QGL settings to ensure that Cartographer is over the bed when performing these actions. We will be checking these during the calibration phase.

Finally, you need to ensure you have a suitable bed_mesh section. Information can be found here

It is vital you complete the Calibration steps, without doing so the probe will not work properly and is likely to show TRIGGERED.

Last updated